Wysteria - no promises

where am i?

If you're wondering where you are, you're on a fallback page for Wysteria. The main site (www.wysteria.xyz) is currently offline, so this is here to maintain a live page while offline. As most of the stuff under that domain is on the same server, its going to be down as well. Sit tight for the time being while I get things back online.

If you're here for some more information, hi, I'm MrCatFace. I'm not the best at writing bios, but this is my personal website of sorts. Normally its hosted elsewhere, but its currently offline. If it was online, you could check out my personal blog where I post about things. Mostly tech stuff at the moment, but maybe you'll find some interest in it. But then again, it's probably not online at the moment, so check back later.

If its been offline for a while, check the blog link to see if the main site is back up. If so, please pester me to redirect back to the main site.
